

Hello My Lovelies,

I hope you’re all doing well. It’s been an exciting few weeks at my hacienda. I’m getting ready to start my MFA next week and after reviewing the courses I’m apprehensive that my pathetic skills as an author are not up to snuff, but I’ll plow through and do my best. I swear the next two years of my life are going to be me talking to myself like Robin Williams in Dead Poets’ Society.giphy (3)

I’m getting ready for Virtual Fantasy Con 2017 where I have an author booth/event going from the fifteenth to the twenty-first of October. If you would like to come hang out with me at the con, you can find me here, and if you join the reader group here, you can meet a lot of other amazing authors.

giphy (2)Like my gif, I’m finding writing to be a bit challenging lately. Currently, I’m working on three novels simultaneously. One is revisions on the third book of my Custodian series. The other is another in the Custodian series in the rough draft phase. The third is in an entirely new paranormal romance series. I haven’t completely meshed with my characters in the new series, and it’s been a bit rough, but I think we’re about to make some serious headway if my characters would quit trying to change their names on me. Yes, my characters are imaginary, but I swear they like to annoy me on a daily basis. I will beat them into submission eventually.

This is how I feel right now:giphy (1)

Perhaps I am overdoing it a bit, but to quote one of my all time favorite movies “Never give up…Never surrender!”

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Love you all,

V. L.

Predators in the self-publishing world

Predators in the self-publishing world

What is about to occur in this post is a rant. There will be gratuitous usage of swearing and math. You’ve been warned. /rant on

Hello My Lovelies,

Here’s the backstory to this week’s rant. Two years ago I stumbled upon a writing class and fell in love with the teacher and their method of instruction. I joined their newsletter and their endless amount of Facebook groups. I sent all my novice writer friends to the groups to find their support system. It was an amazing time, and I learned a lot, or I thought I did (but that’s another story for a different day). Then the number of their emails quadrupled (there were days when I received up to ten emails). Each email had links to everything from journals at Amazon to expensive lessons from those they believed would alter our writerly lives forever. After a while, I began to realize that this individual didn’t know anything more than anyone else and their do-it-yourself MFA wasn’t going to make you a better author. You didn’t need every single product they offered on how to plot a book, how to blog (and when they got tired of blogging their anti-blogging classes), and you don’t owe them a monthly stipend via Patreon. Also, you don’t need to follow their lead and buy every single product or service they advertise in every blasted email or Facebook post that they are getting financial kickbacks for.

I was a dedicated follower, and I admit it. If they needed help with anything, I would do it. The death knell began when one of the group leader’s buddies (a published nonfiction author) told a newbie to put their book up for sale without editing it so they could make money to pay for the editing. Really? The final nail in the coffin was when the group leader put up a GoFundMe to help their admin buy a car.

Seriously? What the bleep does that have to do with writing? Why is that acceptable, when you remove every similar post put up by other members of the group because it’s self-promotion (even when the posts were put up by other members of the group)? How is your post not self-promotion? When I asked you about it, you told me how much the admin does for the group and how you personally pay him for ten hours of administrative work each week, but it wasn’t enough to help him get a car. I listened as you told me that he works tirelessly for you and how some weeks he spends more than sixty hours doing the work you need to be done for little financial compensation. The implication was clear, the members of the group owed him a car because we make him work so hard.

Then you say how you’ve done so well selling your classes, through affiliate programs, and Patreon that you quit your job to write full-time, and travel to conferences. Here’s a novel idea, pay your admin assistant a fucking livable wage. You even had the gall to tell me how selfish I was to consider this GoFundMe unfair to the other 10,000 members of the group. All because I felt the need to point out the number of requests you and the admin removed in the past from members who lost their homes in fires, had cancer, or other major catastrophes and needed a little financial help? How your post seemed like a slap in those people’s faces. I was offended when you told me I was ridiculous for finding your post somehow wrong. After all, it’s your group. You’re right, I was ridiculous. Ridiculous for not realizing the truth for eighteen months. The truth that your groups aren’t there to benefit anyone or anything other than your financial bottom line. So I left your groups but kept myself enrolled in one of your newsletters.

mistakes-1756958_1920Now that you have the backstory my lovelies let’s get to the point of this diatribe.

Yesterday I had a newsletter from this person. I opened it and read it, and then I lost it. I started cursing so loudly that my mother felt the need to tell me to stop (that doesn’t get old at 49 years of age let me tell you). I had to show it to my sister so she could understand why I was so pissed (sorry Mom, not sorry). In this letter, the person I’ve been talking about mentioned their new service. Perfect for the self-publishing author. A service designed to help them self-edit their novel. I just don’t have words for how I feel about this (total lie, I have words they’re just really bad words).

For the amazing price of $40 their admin assistant (in real life a community college student and an intern for a literary agent) and their child, also a college student, will edit FIVE pages of your manuscript and give you a detailed editorial letter so you can make changes through the entire manuscript. What the ever-loving fuck (still not sorry)? Five pages works out to about 1500 words. Most editors will charge around one cent per word for a copy edit or three cents per word for a developmental edit on the entire manuscript. How the heck are you going to give them a detailed editorial letter on a standard manuscript after only reading 1500 words? What about the remaining 48,500 words (I know most novels are longer. Heck my first was 84,000 words)? Why are you telling writers to self-edit a novel they plan to self-publish when anyone with half a brain knows they’re too close to their own work and won’t see where the pitfalls are?

So here’s the best part, they’re also offering beta reading services. For the bargain basement price of $150 – $200, they’ll beta read your manuscript and critique it for you. I guess those of us who’ve been doing it for free are feeling pretty stupid right about now. I should have charged for the sixty-two books I beta read last year while working on my own manuscripts. Wow, I wasted the chance to make nine grand by giving it away to my fellow authors, who knew? (yes, that’s sarcasm. I would never charge for beta reading.)

I hate predators, and that is exactly what this person is. They’re preying upon those who want to be writers. The classes, the GoFundMe’s, Patreon, all the affiliate programs, and now editing/beta services are preying on those who trust them, who believe in them. I got smart and left the groups, so I didn’t feel beholden to this individual any longer. This is after I spent far more money than I want to admit for their classes, programs, and other crap, but their group keeps growing today there are over 16,000 members who’ve all drank the Kool-Aid this person sells.

If only one percent of their main group buys this new service at the lowest possible price point of $40, that’s $6,400. If half of those decide to buy beta services, at $150 and receive the discount for the self-editing package, you are looking at $8,800. How can a person who exhibits this type of predatory behavior on those who trust them sleep at night? I don’t know about you, but that seems like a lot of money for what amounts to nothing useful to the person who purchases it. I guess it really is a case of buyer beware. So please, my lovely writer friends, check out your editors before you hire them. Don’t make the mistakes I made with book one (a mistake I’m still trying to fix). Remember, a college student and a literary agent’s intern aren’t the skilled professionals you need to make your baby shine. One last thing, if you need a beta reader message me and I’ll see if I can fit you into my workload. I promise I won’t charge you and if you don’t like what I have to say you can find another (in fact, I insist you find as many as possible). /rant off

Love you all,

V. L.

Question of the Day: To Arc or not to Arc?

Question of the Day: To Arc or not to Arc?

Hello My Lovelies,

To ARC or not to ARC that is the question of the day. Advance Readers’ Copy, or ARC, is a free book that we give away to advance readers in hopes of receiving an honest review in the first week of publication. I didn’t do this with Golden Opportunity, so I only have eight reviews. With Seas of Gold, I decided to see if I could get more reviews and maybe sustain sales a little longer. I offered advance reader copies to my email list of 650 subscribers and ten took me up on the offer.

Untitled designI  did a little research into other authors’ opinions of ARC readers, and I’ve found they fall into two camps. Camp One, these authors love their ARC readers and claim that at least fifty percent of their ARCs turn into reviews in the first seven days of release. Camp Two, claims they no longer use ARCs because they get no reviews. Of the two camps, I tend to believe camp two is the more honest based on my own experience with ARCs. In seven days, I’ve received one review from the ten advance reader copies I gave away. I’m at a ten percent return on my ARCs. I know it sounds like I’m pouting or whining and I guess I am to some degree, but I think we need to look at this a little more realistically. When a reader accepts an ARC they are taking it with the knowledge that the author has requested a review in return for advanced exposure to the book. I know it’s wrong to consider this a contract of sorts, but let’s be honest…it is. So I gave away ten copies with a sales value of $49.90 which would have returned approximately $35. In the grand scheme of things, I guess $35 isn’t much to give away, but I paid for several things out of my own pocket before publication, so I started in the red to the tune of nearly $1800. Any money I earn will go back into the pot for book three’s cover, editing, and everything else. I’ve always said I only want to make enough to pay for the next book and this is still true even though I haven’t managed to do it yet.

When you take into consideration the problems other authors have had it makes ARCs too great a risk for such a little reward and I’m seriously considering either creating an ARC team of vetted reviewers or stopping ARCs altogether. I guess we’ll see in October when I’m ready to release ARCs for Golden Parachute. I’ve received ARCs from authors in the past, and I will hopefully do so in the future, and I will always review in return to thank the author for the trust they’ve given me.

Love you all,

V. L.

Happy Release Day!

Happy Release Day!

Happy Release Day My Lovelies,

That’s right, Seas of Gold (Book 2 in the Custodian of the Golden Assembly series) is available for purchase at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and iBooks. It’s $4.99 for ebook and $12.99 for paperback thanks to Createspace. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. As a treat, here’s the opening lines of the book:

“Heat from the summer sun radiates on me from above with the delicate hand of a blast furnace. Sweat trickles along my brow in a salty deluge of stickiness burning my eyes, giving me a case of boob sweats. Grass and weeds from the pasture scratch me from every angle as I evade my stalker.”

Is it wrong that this is my favorite line I’ve ever written? Seriously, how often can you discuss boob sweat in the first two lines of a book?

lower priceAlso, Golden Opportunity is going to be free for the next few weeks. If you try to purchase it at Amazon and it is not free, could you please click the “tell us about a lower price link” (see photo) and provide them with the links to prove its price (Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and iBooks). Thank you so much, I appreciate your help.

Love you all,

V. L.